Coverage Rates

Initial tinting fluid dilution:

20fl.oz = 110 sq.ft
600ml = 10m2

Second dilution:

40fl.oz = 220 sq.ft
1200ml = 20m 2

Third dilution:

60fl.oz = 330 sq.ft
1800ml = 30m2

The Initial Dilution level is when the dye is at it's strongest. The more you dilute the product the weaker and more translucent the effect.

There is sufficient Fixing Agent supplied with 1 kit to produce 60 fl.oz or 1.8 litres of tinting fluid. For higher dilution rates extra Fixing Agent Pots should be purchased from our online shop.

These figures are based on the average absorption rate of standard, smooth-faced clay bricks.

Coverage rates can drop down significantly (up to a factor of 5) for absorbent bricks or if carried out on brickwork in direct sunlight and during high ambient temperatures.

PRACTICE WHILST ALSO ASSESSING THE COVERAGE RATE: A good idea is to practice using plain water and a 2-inch paintbrush on your bricks. This will enable you to judge how much to load your brush to prevent runs or spillage.

Our Brick Tinting Kits will make up 600ml at it's Initial Dilution Level, so in the example above, 1 Brick Tinting Kit would be able to cover 3 times the amount ~ 540 bricks (about 9 square metres).

You will also to be able to assess how the brick 'draws' the product from your brush and what pressure needs to be applied to effectively dye your bricks.

Remember to let any areas that you have practiced on fully dry out prior to starting any tinting work.

Dyebrick Maxi-Packs